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Our Eagle Ridge Houses

We have a house system at Eagle Ridge.  What is the house system?  This is where our students K-4th are sorted randomly into six different houses. In the 2018-2019 school year, the whole school was sorted.  From here going forward, incoming Kindergarteners and new students will be sorted the first week of school.  Students will remain in their same house throughout their time at Eagle Ridge.    Houses are like teams.  They each have a house name, a mascot, color, cheers, and chants.   New house shirts will be given to students at the beginning of each school year, free of charge.  Students will be asked to wear their house shirt at different times during the year. 

Our houses were selected from the character traits of the Wizard of Oz.  They are strength, courage, hope, compassion, respect, and friendship.  House colors represent the colors of the rainbow.  The names of each house were selected from different languages of origin that make up the fabric of our school. 

We hope to continue to enrich our school community, instill leadership qualities into students, have all students feel a sense of belonging that goes past their classroom walls, and experience mentor or mentee opportunities. 

Students will be working for house points.  This promotes working for “we” instead of “me.”  Students will receive house points by following the Eagle Essentials, our ten rules that we are currently teaching during 5 to Thrive.  Weekly and at the end of every six weeks, the house that has the most points will be recognized and celebrated.   

We award House Points to students based on our Eagle Essentials. At the end of each week we unveil the winning house of the most house points and their flag is displayed in the hallway.

If you need to purchase another house shirt for your child or yourself, you may purchase one through the office for $5.

All houses


Students can wear house shirts every Friday!