Nurse Amelia
Students are sent to the nurse’s office by a teacher or other staff member for evaluation of possible illness or injury. Please keep your contact phone numbers/email up to date with our front office so you can be reached should an illness or medical emergency occur. Please contact the front office at 817-744-6300 to update your contact information.Please notify me as soon as possible if your child has any significant health concerns which may affect him/her during the school day. If your child becomes ill and doesn't feel well enough to participate in class, please keep your child home until his/her symptoms improve. This will also aid in the prevention of illness spreading to other children and adults at school and our community.
Exclusion from school symptoms include:
Temperature of 100.0 degrees or above*
Vomiting or diarrhea*
Red, crusty, draining eyes
Presence of live lice in hair
Rash of unknown cause Intense itching with open sores
Open, draining sores
Undiagnosed scaly patches on body or scalp
Pain/swelling in the angle of the jaw Jaundice
Suffering from a reportable illness as defined by the Texas Department of Health
*Keller ISD requires students to be fever free for 24 hours (without the use of fever reducing medication, ie: Motrin, Tylenol) before returning to school. KISD Health Services recommends students with vomiting/diarrhea follow the same guidelines.
Extra Clothes
Please keep a season appropriate change of clothes (to be kept in their backpack) in case bathroom accidents, lunch spills or the occasional muddy recess. This applies to all grades. Medications at school If your child needs medication at school, please call or email the school nurse so we can discuss the best way to treat your student. Please do not send medications to school with your child. Yes, cough drops and vitamins are considered a medication. Children are not allowed to possess any medications in the classroom.
Food Allergies
Any student with a history of food allergies or other life threatening allergies (ex: insect stings, latex, etc) must have a Food Allergy/Allergy Emergency Action Plan. An EpiPen and/or Benadryl, if advised by your doctor, may be kept in the clinic for emergencies.
All students with a history of asthma should have an inhaler (and spacer) at school in the case of an attack. Please contact me regarding the Asthma Emergency Action Plan for your child.
Over the Counter Medications
Keller ISD nursing staff will be changing how it administers over-the-counter medication beginning with the 2024-25 school year.
In past years, Keller ISD nursing staff have administered over-the-counter medication supplied by a student’s parent/guardian for less than 10 days with parent/guardian consent and have not required physician authorization. The Texas Board of Nursing has given guidance to school nurses regarding this practice, and over-the-counter medications will no longer be given by licensed nursing staff without a physician authorization and parent authorization. The Texas Nurse Practice Act further explains the requirement here: NPA 301.002(2)(C).
Only medications that are necessary for a student’s medical care will be administered at school. There are some occasions where medication is required for students and cannot be adequately given at home. In these cases, with a written request from a parent or guardian and physician authorization, school personnel can give the medication.
Please note: all medications require a physician’s authorization annually. This includes over-the-counter and prescription medications.
Keller ISD Health Services and Nursing Staff understand this is a shift in previous practice, and we will continue to support our students’ health and learning needs while at school while incorporating this practice standard. Please click here to access the most up-to-date medication authorization forms.
Should you have any questions, please reach out to Jodi Webster, Keller ISD Director of Health Services, at 817-744-1241 or